Manuscript Submission Overview

Carefully follow these instructions to ensure efficient review and publication of your paper. RedoXplore editors reserve the right to return manuscripts not adhering to these guidelines. Initial submissions are largely format-free, but revised manuscripts must follow specific formatting requirements outlined below.

Submit all materials for consideration in RedoXplore electronically via the journal's online submission system. Prepare your manuscript according to the instructions below, then follow the guidelines on our Online Submission page to submit your manuscript.

Direct pre-submission inquiries to the Editorial Office at

RedoXplore welcomes papers previously peer-reviewed and not accepted by other medical journals, if authors believe they can address prior reviewer concerns. For such submissions:

1.     Send a pre-submission inquiry to, including:

·       The paper submitted to the previous journal

·       The full decision letter with peer review comments

2.     If editors express interest:

·       Revise the paper according to previous reviewer comments

·       Submit the revised paper to RedoXplore

3.     When submitting:

·       Indicate in the cover letter:

·       The original journal of submission

·       A statement confirming adequate revision based on reviewer comments

Upload as supplementary material:

·       The previous journal's decision letter with full peer-review comments

·       A point-by-point response to reviewer comments

Submit two versions of the manuscript:

·       A track-changes version showing revisions addressing previous comments

·       A clean version with changes accepted

This process is intended for manuscripts rejected by high-impact journals. RedoXplore editors will review the submission to determine its suitability. If appropriate, editors may:

·       Send the manuscript for additional external peer review, or

·       Accept the paper immediately if previous reviewer comments were fully addressed

This process aims to expedite the review of previously reviewed papers and reduce demands on expert volunteer reviewers. Pre-submission inquiries are welcome if you are unsure about manuscript suitability for this pathway.

RedoXplore welcomes manuscripts of any length, provided they are concise and comprehensive. Authors must include full experimental details to ensure reproducibility. We encourage the publication of all experimental controls and complete datasets, either within the manuscript or as Supplementary Materials.


General Considerations

Originality: Manuscripts must be original and not under consideration elsewhere.

Article Types:

a. Research Articles:  Present original, scientifically sound experiments with substantial new findings. Avoid unnecessary division of work into multiple manuscripts.

b. Reviews: Provide concise, up-to-date summaries of recent progress in a specific research area. Systematic reviews should adhere to PRISMA guidelines.

c. Comments: Brief responses to previously published papers in RedoXplore. Must be received within 3 months of the original publication, include no more than 10 references, and contain a conflicts of interest statement.

Quality Considerations: Peer review will assist editors in assessing the scientific quality and potential impact of all submissions.

Data Availability: Authors should make datasets fully available where possible, either within the manuscript or as supplementary materials.

Accepted File Formats

We encourage authors to use our Microsoft Word template for manuscript preparation. Using these templates can significantly reduce copy-editing time and expedite publication of accepted manuscripts.

File Size: The total data for all files must not exceed 120 MB. If you encounter issues with file size, please contact our Editorial Office at

Accepted Formats: a. Microsoft Word: Convert your manuscript into a single file before submission. We recommend using our RedoXplore Microsoft Word template file.

Graphics Placement: Insert all graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) in the main text immediately following their first citation.

File Conversion: If using Microsoft Word, ensure all components are merged into a single file prior to submission.

Template Usage: While not mandatory, using our templates can streamline the publication process.

For any questions regarding file formats or submission procedures, please don't hesitate to contact our Editorial Office. We're here to assist you throughout the submission process.


Cover Letter

All submissions must include a cover letter stating the manuscript has not been published or submitted elsewhere, or noting if it has been posted on a preprint server. The letter must confirm all authors have approved the content and contributed significantly. Suggest six potential unbiased reviewers. For revised submissions, address reviewer comments point by point.


Provide a concise, informative title, full title (≤160 characters)

The title of your manuscript should be concise, specific and relevant. It should identify if the study reports (human or animal) trial data, or is a systematic review, meta-analysis or replication study. When gene or protein names are included, the abbreviated name rather than full name should be used.

Include a running head (≤40 characters).

Provide author information: (1) list authors' full names, departments, institutions, cities, postal codes, and countries. (2) Include corresponding author(s) contact information.

It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that consent for the display of email addresses is obtained from all authors. If an author (other than the corresponding author) does not wish to have their email addresses displayed in this way, the corresponding author must indicate as such during proofreading. After acceptance, updates to author names or affiliations may not be permitted.

Abstract: Limit to 250 words, stating purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. Do not cite references. Keywords: Include 3-10 keywords separate from the abstract.

Manuscript sections

1.     Introduction:

·       Provide a broad context for the study and its importance

·       State the purpose and significance of the work

·       Present specific hypotheses being tested

·       Review the current state of the research field, citing key publications

·       Address controversial or diverging hypotheses if relevant

·       Briefly mention the main aim and highlight key goals

·       Ensure comprehensibility for scientists outside the specific field

2.     Materials and Methods:

·       Describe methodologies in sufficient detail for replication

·       Provide detailed descriptions of new methods and protocols

·       Briefly describe well-established methods with appropriate citations

·       Specify names and versions of software used

Include pre-registration codes where applicable

Note. Review manuscripts should comprise a literature review organized logically within specific sections and subsections (optional).

3.     Results:

·       Present experimental results concisely and precisely

·       Provide a clear interpretation of the data

·       State experimental conclusions that can be drawn

4.     Discussion:

·       Interpret results in the context of previous studies and working hypotheses

·       Discuss findings and their implications in the broadest possible context

·       Highlight limitations of the work

·       Suggest future research directions

Note: This section may be combined with Results if appropriate

5.     Conclusions:

·       Provide a summary of the main founding and recommendations for future work

Back Matter

Author Contributions

Each author should have made significant contributions to the work in one or more of the following areas: study conception or design; data acquisition, analysis, or interpretation; creation of new software used in the study; drafting or substantively revising the manuscript.

All authors must approve the submitted version (including any substantial edits by journal staff that involve the author's contribution) and agree to be personally accountable for their own contributions. This accountability extends to ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated, resolved, and documented in the literature, even for aspects in which the author was not personally involved.

For multi-author research articles, include a brief paragraph detailing individual contributions using the following format:

"Conceptualization, X.X. and Y.Y.; Methodology, X.X.; Software, X.X.; Validation, X.X., Y.Y. and Z.Z.; Formal Analysis, X.X.; Investigation, X.X.; Resources, X.X.; Data Curation, X.X.; Writing – Original Draft Preparation, X.X.; Writing – Review & Editing, X.X.; Visualization, X.X.; Supervision, X.X.; Project Administration, X.X.; Funding Acquisition, Y.Y."

Please turn to the CRediT taxonomy for the term explanation, for more background on CRediT, see here"Authorship must include and be limited to those who have contributed substantially to the work. Please read the section concerning the criteria to qualify for authorship carefully".


Authors must declare all funding sources for the study. Clearly identify any grants supporting your research, including those covering publication costs. Be aware that some funders may not reimburse article processing charges (APC) if a funder and grant details are not accurately presented in the paper.

Include one of the following statements:

·       "This work received no external funding"

·       "This work was funded by [funder name], grant number [xxx]"

Also state: "The APC was funded by [XXX]"

Ensure accuracy of all details provided, use standard funder name spellings. Note that some funders will not refund article processing charges (APC) if the funder and grant number are not clearly and correctly identified in the paper.

Data Accessibility Statement

Authors are encouraged to include raw data that support the reported findings. The statement should provide the location of data and terms of their use. This should encompass links to publicly accessible repositories containing datasets analyzed or generated in the course of the study.


Include assistance that falls outside the scope of author contributions or financial support. Personal acknowledgments should precede institutional ones. Place acknowledgments at the end of the text before references.

Conflict of interest

Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could be perceived as influencing their research presentation or interpretation. If no conflicts exist, authors should explicitly state: "The authors declare no conflict of interest." This section must also detail any involvement of funding sponsors in the research process, including project selection, study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, manuscript preparation, or publication decisions. If sponsors had no involvement, authors should state: "The sponsors had no role in the design, execution, interpretation, or writing of the study." Studies with industry funding must provide a comprehensive declaration of funder involvement.


Number citations sequentially as they appear in the manuscript, including those in table captions and figure legends. List each reference individually at the manuscript's end. To minimize errors and duplications, we recommend using reference management software such as EndNote, ReferenceManager, or Zotero. Adhere to the Vancouver referencing style for all citations.

In the text, reference numbers should be placed in square brackets ( ), and placed before the punctuation; for example (1), (1–3) or (1,3). For embedded citations in the text with pagination, use both parentheses and brackets to indicate the reference number and page numbers; for example (5) (p. 10). or (6) (pp. 101–105).

The reference list should include the full title, as recommended by the Vancouver style guide. Style files for Endnote and Zotero are available. References should be described as follows, depending on the type of work:


Additional Considerations


List full manufacturer names for commercial products. Use generic names for drugs and chemical compounds.


Define non-standard abbreviations at first use. Do not use abbreviations in headings. Standard abbreviations do not require definition.

Accession numbers of RNA, DNA and protein sequences used in the manuscript should be provided in the Materials and Methods section.


If you are using Word, please use either the Microsoft Equation Editor or the MathType add-on. Equations should be editable by the editorial office and not appear in a picture format.

Statistical Analysis

Identify statistical methods in text, tables, and figures showing results of statistical comparisons.

Units of Measure

SI Units (International System of Units) should be used. Imperial, US customary and other units should be converted to SI units whenever possible


Where authors have preregistered studies or analysis plans, links to the preregistration must be provided in the manuscript.

Preparing Figures, Schemes and Tables

Figure, Scheme, and Table Placement: Insert all Figures, Schemes, and Tables near their first citation in the main text. Number them sequentially based on appearance (e.g., Figure 1, Scheme 1, Figure 2, Scheme 2, Table 1).

Captions: Provide a concise explanatory title and caption for each Figure, Scheme, and Table.

Table Formatting: Include explanatory headings for all table columns. For larger tables, smaller fonts (minimum 8 pt) may be used. Construct tables using the Table feature in Microsoft Word.

Color Graphics: We encourage authors to prepare figures and schemes in color (RGB at 8-bit per channel). Publication of full-color graphics incurs no additional cost.

Here's a modified version of the text, incorporating guidelines from the Office of Research Integrity (ORI):

Original Image Requirements

To maintain scientific integrity, the Editorial Office may request original, unprocessed images upon submission. These should be provided as high-resolution files (minimum 1000 pixels width/height or 300 dpi) in a zip archive or via a secure link. Preferred formats include TIFF, PNG, GIF, and EPS. Failure to provide original images may result in manuscript rejection.

Image Processing Guidelines:

·       Minimal processing: Any necessary image processing must accurately represent original data and adhere to community standards.

·       Full disclosure: Declare all image processing methods in the manuscript's methods section.

·       Consistent application: Apply adjustments (e.g., contrast, brightness) uniformly across the entire image.

·       Avoid selective manipulation: Do not enhance specific areas relative to others.

·       Proper annotation: Clearly indicate any image grouping or splicing in the figure legend.

·       Time and location: Disclose if images from different times or locations are combined.

Electrophoretic Gels and Blots:

·       Run experimental and control samples on the same gel/blot when possible.

·       Include molecular weight markers and label all lanes.

·       Retain all important bands in cropped images.

·       Indicate any lane rearrangements or splicing with clear demarcation lines.

·       Avoid quantitative comparisons between samples on different gels/blots.

Additional Recommendations:

·       Provide detailed equipment and software information in the Methods section.

·       Consider depositing unprocessed image files in a public database.

·       Disclose all image manipulations in figure legends.

For comprehensive guidelines on ethical image handling, refer to the ORI website:

Adherence to these guidelines ensures transparency and maintains the integrity of published research.

Supplementary Materials

Authors may submit supplementary materials for online-only publication if they are essential to understanding or interpreting the main article. These may include detailed methods, extended data sets/analyses, or additional figures. All supplementary content must be provided in suitable electronic formats as separate files: text, tables, and figures (with legends). Do not include supplementary materials within the main manuscript. Submit all supplementary materials with the main manuscript for peer review. They cannot be altered after manuscript acceptance and will not be copyedited. Clearly label all supplementary materials (e.g., "Supplementary Figure 1") and refer to them in the main text where necessary. Limit supplementary materials to 25 MB. If approved by editors, supplementary materials will be posted online upon article publication. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of supplementary materials.


Authors will receive page proofs via email. Return corrected proofs and answers to queries within 2 working days as an annotated PDF. Authors are responsible for thorough proofreading.

Publication Ethics Statement

RedoXplore journal adheres fully to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines.

The editors of this journal enforce a rigorous peer review process alongside strict ethical policies and standards to ensure the publication of high-quality scientific works. Unfortunately, cases of plagiarism, data falsification, image manipulation, inappropriate authorship credit, and other ethical issues do occur. The editors take such matters very seriously and are trained to handle them with a zero-tolerance policy.

Authors wishing to publish their papers in RedoXplore journal must adhere to the following guidelines:

·       Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed in the manuscript prior to submission.

·       Authors should accurately present their research findings and provide an objective discussion of their significance.

·       The data and methods used in the research must be described in sufficient detail to allow replication by other researchers.

·       Raw data should preferably be publicly deposited before manuscript submission, or at least be available for review by referees and editors upon request. Authors must ensure that raw data is retained in full for a reasonable time after publication.

·       Simultaneous submission of manuscripts to multiple journals is not permitted.

·       The journal accepts exact translations of previously published work, provided they conform with our policies on translations.

·       If errors or inaccuracies are discovered post-publication, authors must promptly notify the editors so appropriate actions can be taken. Refer to our policy regarding Updating Published Papers.

·       Manuscripts should not contain any previously published information. If using previously published figures or images, obtain the necessary permission from the copyright holder to publish under the CC-BY license. For more details, see the Rights and Permissions page.

·       Plagiarism, data fabrication, and image manipulation are not tolerated.

o   Plagiarism includes copying text, ideas, images, or data from another source, even from one's own publications, without proper attribution. Reuse of text must be in quotes and cited appropriately. Inspiration from other works in terms of study design, manuscript structure, or language must be explicitly cited.

o   All submissions are checked for plagiarism using industry-standard software like iThenticate. If plagiarism is detected during peer review, the manuscript may be rejected. If detected post-publication, an investigation will be conducted, and actions will be taken in accordance with our policies.

o   Image files must not be manipulated or adjusted in a way that misinterprets the information. Irregular manipulation includes introducing, enhancing, moving, or removing features from the original image; grouping images that should be presented separately; and modifying contrast, brightness, or color balance to obscure information.

Our in-house editors will investigate any allegations of publication misconduct and may contact the authors' institutions or funders if necessary. If evidence of misconduct is found, appropriate actions will be taken to correct or retract the publication. Authors are expected to comply with the best ethical publication practices when publishing with the RedoXplore.

Citation Policy

Authors must ensure that all material taken from other sources (including their own published work) is clearly cited and that appropriate permissions are obtained where necessary. Excessive self-citation and copying references from other publications without reading the cited work are not allowed. Authors should avoid preferentially citing their own, their friends', peers', or institution's publications and should not cite advertisements or advertorial material.

In line with COPE guidelines, we expect that "original wording taken directly from publications by other researchers should appear in quotation marks with the appropriate citations," which also applies to an author’s own work.

Reviewer Suggestions

During the submission process, please suggest three potential reviewers with the appropriate expertise to review the manuscript. The editors are not obligated to use these suggested referees. Provide detailed contact information (address, homepage, phone, email address). The proposed referees should neither be current collaborators of the co-authors nor have published with any of the co-authors within the last three years. Proposed reviewers should be from different institutions than the authors. You may identify appropriate Editorial Board members as potential reviewers. Reviewers can be from among the authors frequently cited in your paper.

Preprints and Conference Papers

RedoXplore accepts submissions that have previously been made available as preprints, provided they have not undergone peer review. A preprint is a draft version of a paper available online before submission to a journal. Note that posting a preprint does not affect the peer review process.

Expanded and high-quality conference papers can be considered as articles if they meet the following requirements:

1.     The paper should be expanded to the size of a research article.

2.     The conference paper should be cited and noted on the first page of the paper.

3.     If the authors do not hold the copyright of the published conference paper, they should seek appropriate permission from the copyright holder.

4.     Authors should disclose in their cover letter that it is a conference paper and include a statement on what has been changed compared to the original conference paper.

RedoXplore does not publish pilot studies or studies with inadequate statistical power.


The Serbian Society for Mitochondrial and Free Radical Physiology follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines, which state that, to qualify for authorship, the following criteria should be observed:

·       Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

·       Drafting the work or reviewing it critically for important intellectual content; AND

·       Final approval of the version to be published; AND

·       Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Those who contributed to the work but do not qualify for authorship should be listed in the acknowledgments. More detailed guidance on authorship is given by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Any change to the author list should be approved by all authors including any who have been removed from the list. The corresponding author should act as a point of contact between the editor and the other authors and should keep co-authors informed and involve them in major decisions about the publication. We reserve the right to request confirmation that all authors meet the authorship conditions.